Environment, Social and Governance (ESG)

Care for the environment and the application of ESG criteria is a priority for all our business processes. We are Responsible

Reduction of direct greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption savings expected to be achieved through the implementation of all primary projects included in the tractor project that affect the facility.

  Photovoltaic plant for self-consumption Photovoltaic plant for decarbonisation and energy storage Total
(1) Direct GHG emission reductions (tCO2e) 0 tCO2e/year 0 tCO2e/year 0 tCO2e/year
(2) Indirect GHG emission reductions (tCO2e) 0 tCO2e/year 0 tCO2e/year 0 tCO2e/year
(3) Indirect GHG emission reductions from raw material substitution -23,7 tCO2e/year -512,6 tCO2e/year -563,3 tCO2e/year
Total GHG emissions (1+2+3) (tCO2e) -23,7 tCO2e/year -512,6 tCO2e/year -563,3 tCO2e/year
Photovoltaic installation on the roof of Master Battery's corporate headquarters

It generates more than 100 MWh of electrical energy per year, which has reduced our consumption by 40%. The corporate headquarters is self-sufficient.

We are going to extend the photovoltaic installation to the rest of the roofs of the logistics and production buildings to be totally self-sufficient and decarbonise all our consumption with solar energy. Zero emissions.

We are Team, We Create Jobs and We Promote the Professional Development of Our Workforce

We seek the motivation and satisfaction of all the people who make up the Master Battery team in order to retain and attract talent. We act in accordance with the Law and the Sector Agreements regarding the rights and obligations of our team in terms of occupational safety and occupational risk prevention.

In 2023, the total number of employees amounted to 42 permanent contracts, 10 of which were female.

Gender Equality and Diversity

At Master Battery we are committed to equality and non-discrimination on the grounds of gender diversity, race, sexual orientation, religion, political opinion, nationality or origin. We work to engage all of us in equality and respect for gender diversity. Our legal and employment consultancy keeps us up to date on regulations, changes and implications for the day-to-day running of the company, drawing up plans, etc.

Gender Equality

Ethics, Transparency and Commitment to Our Community

✓ Collaborate in the promotion of local development of our environment and community.

✓ Commitment against any practice of corruption or fraud.

✓ Compliance with tax obligations and proper use of public funds.

✓ Selection of suppliers who are committed to our Social and Governance principles.

✓ Transparency, integrity and confidentiality of information as basic principles of action.

✓ Respect and protection of intellectual and industrial property rights.

At Master Battery we get involved with our environment. Transforming for the better

We have launched a business space that will transform the former industrial centre into an efficient, sustainable and digital complex that will also accommodate training, social and cultural activities.

With the Master Battery space we want to improve the landscape, recover trees and vegetation, rationalise the use of water, cleanliness, ease of access and evolve towards non-polluting transport in our business activity.

Ciudades y comunidades sostenibles