

Press > News > 20 June 2024

Master Battery selected as speaker for the EXPERT DAY "Battery Testing" organised by the Institute IMDEA Energy

Madrid (Spain) 20.06.24.- Master Battery has participated in the conference "Battery Testing" organised by IMDEA Energy with the presentation "Needs, challenges and opportunities of battery testing for manufacturers of storage systems" given by its CTO, Miguel Manjón.

In his speech, Miguel Manjón reviewed the different technologies that are currently on the battery market and their application in the sectors in which Master Battery works: Security, Data Centres, Telecommunications, Back-UP Systems, Electrical Substations or Renewable Energies such as photovoltaic.

Miguel Manjón reviewed the different technologies offered by Master Battery and compared their different characteristics that provide solutions for the needs of each sector. He has highlighted the technical data of each product underlining the importance of testing processes to develop a correct evaluation to improve their efficiency and sustainability.

In this sense, Miguel Manjón raised the need for the manufacturer to know the testing conditions and to achieve maximum objectivity in order to achieve maximum efficiency in the evaluation of storage systems.

The improvements that Master Battery has introduced in the different technologies that make up its product catalogue were also reviewed. In addition to the Lithium line, Manjón highlighted advances in lead-acid and zinc-air technologies in which the Master Battery team has made progress in efficiency and sustainability, contrary to the general idea of other agents in the sector who have stagnated in this type of system even though there is a firm demand for them.

Finally, Miguel Manjón concluded his presentation by stressing that "continuous testing and criticism of the technologies on the market is key to their progress and innovation".

IMDEA Energy's research team presented the advances in the development of new methodologies for testing and predicting the performance and useful life of batteries.

At the Expert Day, "Battery Testing", Imdea Energía brought together battery manufacturers and users to discuss the needs, challenges and opportunities involved in testing batteries to improve their use in current environments and to seek new applications.

The conference took place at IMDEA Energy's headquarters in Móstoles on 20 June and was organised in collaboration with the Spanish Energy Storage Technology and Innovation Platform, BatteryPlat.