Students from 4th ESO and 1st Baccalaureate of IES Miguel Hernández present their educational robotics projects in Ciudadenergía and visit Master Battery facilities
• The Ciudadenergía team informed the councillors about the training projects they have set up and the forthcoming creation of the Master Battery - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Chair in intelligent energy storage systems.
Madrid (Spain) 17.06.24.- The Councillor for Education and Festivities, Cristina Molina, and the Councillor for Digitalisation and New Technologies, Ana Mate, from the Móstoles Town Council visited Ciudadenergía and Master Battery to learn first-hand about the educational robotics projects carried out during the 23/24 academic year by students from the Miguel Hernández Secondary School in Móstoles.
The projects, exhibited in the Master Battery showroom, were designed and created by students in the 4th year of ESO and 1st year of Bachillerato at the Móstoles secondary school. The students themselves have been in charge of setting up the exhibition and presenting the peculiarities and objectives of their work. The teacher Berta Molina from IES Miguel Hernández has led the coordination of these projects and their presentation in several school competitions during this academic year in which they have obtained good results.
The councillors of the Móstoles City Council were interested in the eight projects on display and asked all the teams about the characteristics and development of the project. At the end of the tour, they congratulated the students and the teaching team of IES Miguel Hernández represented by its director, Manuel Redondo.
Master Battery – Ciudadenergía has supported these projects and collaborated with the donation of energy storage material for some of them. During the visit, the Ciudadenergía team renewed its support and collaboration with IES Miguel Hernández for the next academic year.
The students visited the Master Battery facilities after the presentation of their projects. On the roof of the corporate headquarters, the company's technicians explained the operation and details of the installation of the solar panels, their anchorages and the energy storage cabinet.
Councillors get to know Ciudadenergía and Master Battery
Juan Carlos Hernández, CEO of Master Battery, explained to the councillors the company's trajectory and the objectives of Ciudadenergía as a space open to society. He highlighted the educational projects that have been launched to continue promoting talent and innovation, as well as the imminent establishment of the Master Battery - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Chair in intelligent energy storage systems.
For both councillors, the future plans of Ciudadenergía in the educational field "augur a positive and lasting impact on our community". And they stressed that "collaboration between educational institutions and technology companies is essential to prepare our students for the challenges of the future".
Cristina Molina and Ana Mate ended their visit by expressing "their gratitude and enthusiasm for Ciudadenergía's initiatives, underlining the importance of these types of synergies for the integral development of young people".
Master Battery drives Ciudadenergía #inteligenciaverde